Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Surgery Types of Surgery Thoracic Surgery

Once a diagnosis of lung cancer is made further treatment will depend on how advanced the disease is and this is largely determined by PET scans and subsequent biopsies.

What are the stages of Lung Cancer?

Stage 1 Lung Cancer is where the cancer is confined to the lung and is small in size. Treatment is usually surgical removal alone, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are rarely required and the chance of cure is over 90%.

Stage 2 Lung Cancer is where the cancer is still confined to the lung but is larger in size or involves the lung surface. Combination treatment with surgery and chemotherapy is often required.

Stage 3 Lung Cancer is where the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the chest and combination treatment is always required with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery all being used. Cure is still possible.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer is where the cancer has spread beyond the chest cavity and cure is no longer possible. Surgery is rarely performed but chemotherapy and radiotherapy can still be useful to improve quality of life and slow progression of the cancer.

Read more about Thoracic Surgery here.